The Peanut Butter Family Home School


Have you ever heard of home schooling being associated with peanut butter? If you’re like me, I hadn’t either until I read this book years ago. In fact, I’ve read it several times now, over the years, because of the author’s sense of humor and witty reflection, of what life is sometimes like for a home school family. He reveals that home schooling “is full of surprises, challenges, and blessings.”

Okay, but what is the connection with peanut butter you ask? Bill Butterworth associates home schooling and peanut butter with life. He feels life is very much like peanut butter. At different times it can be smooth or crunchy. But most importantly, like peanut butter on two slices or bread (or anything else it touches), home school families stick together.

Now, what would you call the house of a home school family that buzzes with constant activity, houses 4 young children, 2 adults, and a new baby on the way? Why Union Station, of course! As Bill says, “What else could you possibly call a home that’s like a train depot? It fits so well. Our home has all the craziness of a terminal, yet it also provides the place to rest between trips. So it was settled: Union Station.”

The chapter titles of this book are rather intriguing as well. Try to picture in your mind, Heppie Bread, Home-School Trivial Pursuit, Return to Walton’s Mountain, The Tale of a Whale, The Union Spy Station, and the list goes on.

As Pastor, radio Bible teacher, and author Chuck Swindoll states, “I happily cast my vote for the real-life Peanut Butter Family. It is warm-hearted, fun-loving, always- encouraging statement of affirmation on the value of being in touch with your kids. What I appreciate most is that it comes from a home where the parents practice a lot more than they preach. You’ll love it.”

Do you want a book that makes you smile? Read this one! I’m glad I did!!

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