The Importance of Understanding and Analysing Web Analytics


Website traffic is simply the amount of website visits or hits in a particular time range. The total number of website hits or visits is the basic analytic or website traffic for any website or blog. However, the modern digital analytics systems include much more complex, advanced and larger attributes and elements in the website traffic.

Why study and analyse web analytics?

This question might be playing in your mind – Why to study web traffic? What it would offer me or my business? The short and simple answer is The study of web traffic can give you immense and deep insight into how your online marketing or digital branding campaigns are performing and in turn, it would help you reshape your marketing strategies to better fit your targets. However, the study of web traffic offers more than you expect from it. It gives you a detailed and deep insight or data that you can bank upon. It gives you look into where are your visitors and where they are coming from. And it also offers you insight on your online sales, marketing, branding and geographic reach.

Let’s take a look at what you can get from web analytics in details

Know your everything about your website visitors

Web analytics provides you detailed information about your website visitors. You can know how many visitors visited your website and how many times for a particular period of time. Moreover, you can also know where they came from – their geographic data such as their country/region, city etc. and their frequency of visiting your website.

Know your how they came to your website

You can also know how they landed on your website – i.e. whether they came to your site via search engine by searching for a keyword or opened your website directly in their browser or via email links or any other referral link such as newsletter link, online advertisement link etc. Modern web analytics tools allow you to see where they go on your site. This is also known as visitor behavior on website.

Know what they did while surfing your website

Apart from this, you can also get report about a visitor’s activity on your website. Many modern web analytics tools like Google Analytics provides advanced analytics features that can track visitor activity and can give you report on each and every traversing of a visitor on your website or blog. You can get details about a visitor’s journey on your website from one page to another page right from landing on your website to exiting from your website.

Online revenue measurement

While you can know about your visitors, their behavior and preferences on your website, what more can a modern web analytic tool give you to help you better market your business? Revenue Measurement! Yes, tools like Google Analytics and many other provide advanced web tracking for eCommerce websites so that you can get insight into your online sales and can track your online sales. Features like goal tracking, eCommerce tracking etc. help businesses get sales report for websites provided you have configured analytics tool properly and have installed analytics code into your website in accurate manner.

And one more fabulous reason!

Advanced analytics tools such as Google Analytics are so strong that they can track the technology/device being used to surf your website by a visitor. So you can get report on how many visitors used desktop/laptop computers to surf your website and how many used mobile phones, smart phones and tablets while visiting your website. This is very important data as the world is going mobile. Upon analysing this data, if you found that you have a high number of smart phone or tablet users as website visitors, you may consider converting your desktop website into mobile friendly, responsive website to attract and attain visitors and to turn visits into leads.

By studying all these data and insights, you can better define and implement online marketing strategies and campaigns to improve your overall marketing performance.

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